Monday 21 September 2015

CMHandmadeuk- Neon collection

Pink tip

Pink tip is a shocking in your face cerise pink polish. The consistency of this polish is nice its not to thick or thin and the polish is smooth to apply. The coverage for the first coat is decent you can still see some nail line, the polish doesn't apply streaky which is a plus for a neon polish. I would say depending on how thick a layer of polish you apply it will take 2-3 coats to make this polish fully opaque, I would suggest that you apply a glossy top coat just to make this polish pop.


Grasshopper is a in your face neon green, this polish reminds me of slimer from ghostbusters. This polish has a lovely consistency just like pink tip it applies smoothly it doesn't apply patchy or streaky but the coverage isn't the best for this polish its quite sheer I applied 3-4 coats and you could still see some nail line, I would suggest for this polish you layer it over a white polish, depending on what white you use you can have one layer of white with two coats of grasshopper and it will look lovely.


Neverland is a teal polish, I personally don't think this is a neon but its still a nice colour, unfortunately the formulation is the same as grasshopper its very sheer even on the third coat I could still see nail line so again like grasshopper I would suggest layering this polish over a white base polish, the consistency is lovely its not to thick or thin it doesn't apply streaky just very sheer.


Electric is a bright azure blue polish, this polish does apply slightly patchy on the first coat. I would say depending how thick a layer you apply it will take 2-3 coats to be opaque. This polish is nice but I am partial to a blue polish, a plus of this polish is that it doesn't stain your nails like some blue polishes do.


Salvia is a aubergine polish the colour reminds me of barney the dinosaur , I would say this polish hasn't got the best formula in the collection just because it applies quite patchy. Its not a hard formula to work with you just have to take your time while applying, it doesn't have a thin consistency so you don't have to worry about the polish running off your brush, this polish takes 2-3 coats to be fully opaque it is a lovely colour I just wouldn't call it neon. 

   I purchased mine from                             

Thanks for reading
                 Kylie xxx

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