Monday 7 September 2015

Essie – Make some noise collection

Groove is in the heart

Groove is in the heart is a salmon pink polish, I have to admit I hate the formulation of this particular polish the consistency is really thin, it was running down the brush while I applied it to my nail so just be careful if you are applying this polish. The first coat is very streaky and I felt like the polish was quite chalky, I had to apply three coats of this polish and I still wasn't happy with the finish, this polish isn't a neon its just bright.

Vibrant vibes

Vibrant vibes is a bright lime green polish the consistency of this polish again was on the thin side. The first coat I applied was quite sheer, I did have to apply three coats to make the polish fully opaque. This polish wasn't as hard to work with like groove in the heart was but it still isn't the greatest formulation, I would like to mention that the swatch picture doesn't do justice to this polish because it is a lot brighter in real life.


Coacha'bella is a berry pink polish, the coverage of this polish was good I only had to apply two coats, it wasn't streaky which is a plus but it has got that same watery thin consistency that the previous polishes I mentioned have, so I just had to be extra careful while applying this polish I don't see how this is a neon but it is a nice colour.

Melody maker

Melody maker is a deep grass green polish, no surprise the consistency of this polish is rubbish but the coverage is decent I only needed to apply two coats so if you can get past the crappy consistency this polish would be ok. I personally think this polish would be a nice green to wear in autumn.

All access pass

All access pass is a indigo polish, this polish and groove is in the heart had to be the two worst polishes out of this collection for me, again thin consistency but this polish was super patchy I had to apply three coats of polish and I still wasn't happy with the finish, its a nice colour but its not worth the hassle.

Make some noise

Make some noise is a bright medium blue, the coverage of this polish is ok depending on how thick a coat you apply it will take 2-3 coats to make this polish fully opaque, again the consistency is crap just take time applying this polish because it might flood your cuticles. Just a little warning this polish will stain your nails so double up on your base coat or apply a base and white polish to prevent staining.

               Thanks for reading

                                                         Kylie xxx

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