Friday 11 September 2015

The polishes I loved wearing this summer

Summer is coming to a end and for some people you might be sad but if your like me you'll be happy because the cozy months are coming, in Scotland we don't get much summer maybe a day or two so I love when autumn/winter comes around so I can wrap up warm in jumpers and chill at home all cozy with a warm drink. I am deviating from the point of this post I'm sorry this post is about all the lovely polishes I loved wearing this summer.

Danglefootpolish- Everlasting gobstopper

I loved wearing this polish the creamy white base with the pop of color from the different particles that are in this polish. Sometimes I find a pure white polish to harsh depending on how bright the white is but this polish is a milky white which to me is a easier white to wear and I love the pops of different colours.

Color club – Foxy mama

I haven't done my review for this polish yet but it will be coming next week so keep your eyes peeled. I feel like the picture kind of speaks for itself and why I loved this polish this summer.

China glaze – Rain dance the night away

I am a sucker for a blue polish and especially one with a good formula, this polish has a lovely formula and its a lovely colour. I have wrote a review for this polish so I will link it here if you would like to know more about this polish 

Essie – Naughty nautical

I was never into green polish till this summer and this polish is one of my favorites. This polish is a lovely deep green with silver glitter that runs through the polish. I have wrote a review for this polish so I will link the post here if you would like to know more about this polish, feel free to check out the link

Summer is coming to a end but it doesn't mean you have to stop wearing these polishes, wear whatever colour makes you happy polish is supposed to be fun if you don't like a polish/colour just remove it and try another one.
                        Thanks for reading
                                     Kylie xxx

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