Friday 24 July 2015

Nail polish tag

Recently I have been obsessed with watching people on youtube or reading peoples blogs, and I have noticed a lot of nail tags being posted recently and I know I just posted the nail polish obsession tag a few weeks back but I am going to post another, sorry if you hate these tag posts please feel free to write a comment and tell me what you would like to see on this blog.


How many nail polishes do you have?
Last time I counted I had just over 300 but that was a few months ago so probably 350 maybe a bit more I know it's a bit excessive and I have no excuse for it I just love nail polish.

What is your favourite brand of polish?
Like I said in my previous tag I like china glaze for there diversity of colours, but I have recently been getting into indie polish and some indie's have some amazing colours and finishes and they are just so unique, so its kinda hard to pick just one brand.

Do you like or hate crackle polish?
I liked it when it first came out because it was just totally different, I am like a kid with a new toy play with it for five minutes then never play with it again, so I don't really wear it now.

What was the brand of your very first polish?
Probably Miss Sporty or Nails inc.

If you have a nail polish line, what would it be called?
I really haven't thought about this, maybe KP my which are my initials and call it kute polish, there probably is a brand out their called kute polish and I am sorry if there is, and if the kardashian's use k for anything well so can I.

What nail polish colour does not look good on you?
I'm not the biggest fan of red polish so when I do occasionally paint my nails red I feel like it just doesn't suit me, also certain tones of yellow polish, but I'm sure most people find yellow polish hard to wear.

What nail polish shades look good on you?
Deeper colours like a navy blue or plum's.

Name two of your nail art best friends?
I really don't do much nail art I only really have a few dotting tools which I use occasionally and I have a nail stamper and a few plates, but that stamper and I aren't friends, every time I try to use it I muck up and its just a disaster.

What's the best nail polish gift you have received?
Just receiving any nail polish present is a bonus, but years and years ago I received a whole collection of avon polishes, that was over 5 years now but I still have them all.

Thank you so much for reading this post and if you have any suggestions for future posts please comment below.

                       Thanks for reading
                               Kylie xxx

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