Monday 11 May 2015

Handy gurugn hand cream from lush

Handy gurugn is a hand cream from lush. This is a butter like hand cream made with Shea,peanut,cashew and almond butter, it also has evening primrose oil and chamomile blue oil which calms the skin and is also a good antiseptic.
This winter I had extremely dry hands, they resembled a snake they were dry,flaky and verging on painful, the skin on my hands were never dry before, I rarely used hand cream. When my skin started to become dry I did start to use hand creams, I had hand cream in my hand bag, at the sink and beside my computer but they weren't working, my hands were still dry I even used a super moisturizing mask on my hands at night and it didn't do the job. A few weeks ago I walked into lush and asked if they had a super moisturizing hand cream, I had tried a lot of creams by this point so I wasn't expecting much, the lady recommended the handy gurugn hand cream so I purchased it.
The cream itself smells so nice I cant pin point what it exactly smells like but to me it smells like the smell you smell when you walk into a lush shop. It is a thick cream but not super thick, the cream itself isn't extremely oily it sinks in nicely, you need the smallest amount and because of how moisturizing it is I don't need to apply it as often as other hand creams. This cream does come in a tub which I'm not the biggest fan of , but it is slightly thicker than most hand creams so it would be harder to squeeze out of a tube, and the product is so good it could come in any kind of packaging and I would still use it. I'm not sure if this will be a good cream to use in the summer because of how rich it is but maybe putting a thick layer on at night is all you will need in the summer time. I am so glad I found this product, it has helped my dry sore hands out immensely, if you have extremely dry hands and feel like you have tried everything pop in to your local lush store or check the lush site online you seriously wont regret buying it. I am so glad I found this hand cream.

If you want to check out this product you can find more information about it here

                   Thanks for reading
                          Kylie xxx

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