Friday 15 May 2015

My top summer nail colours

The colour of polish I wear on my nails changes throughout the year, in winter I wear black,grey and navy and in the summer I like to wear brighter coloured polishes, these are the five polish colours I gravitate towards in the summer.


A selection of pink polishes 
Yes pink is a all year round nail colour for some people but for me I don't wear it that much except the summer time. A perfect pastel creamy pink is a perfect colour for a wedding, and if your scared of some of the brighter colours try a raspberry pink.

A selection of orange polishes 
Don't be scared of colour on the nails, yes orange sounds scary but maybe try with a creamier orange that's not so neon.

A selection of green polishes 
Again don't be scared of colour you don't have to go full on with a Grinch green polish, there is some amazing mint pastel green polishes out there.

A selection of purple polishes 
Purple might me another popular colour that a lot of people wear in the summer, to be honest with you I wear it all year round.


A selection of blue polishes 
Blue sounds a very 80's colour but don't worry I thought that at first but now blue polish is one of my favorite colours to wear.


Don't be scared of colour nail polish is temporary, if you are not sure about it remove it , so have fun with some colour this summer.

                    Thanks for reading
                           Kylie xxx

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