Friday 11 December 2015

Empties & reviews

Elegant touch moisture balance nail polish remover

This remover is a half and half so you have to shake the bottle to activate the product, this remover does what it says on the tin it removed my nail polish with ease and didn't leave my cuticles dry.

Sally Hansen Acetone free polish remover

This remover is usually my go to nail polish remover, I prefer my remover to be acetone free because it doesn't dehydrate your nails and cuticles as much as a acetone remover this remover removes my polish with ease and isn't to expensive.

Nails inc Vitamin E oil pen x2

These cuticle oil pens are handy just to put in your handbag the brush I feel makes the oil easy to apply. The oil itself is good its moisturizing but doesn't leave a greasy layer on your nails, the oil just sinks in nicely and the smell isn't overpowering the oil just has a slight herbal smell.

O.P.I Avoplex cuticle oil to go

I loved this cuticle oil it has a gel like consistency which I liked and I felt it was super moisturizing and conditioning, again just like the nails inc oil pen this product has a brush applicator which just makes the product easy to apply. I can't put my finger on what this product smells like it smells slightly fruity like watermelon but its not overpowering. I did finish a mini of the bottle of this cuticle oil and it was good but I personally preferred the oil to go tube/brush version I felt it was more moisturizing and I would defiantly buy another one after I finish the 20+ other cuticle oils I have to use up.

Natio spa Heavenly hand cream

I apologize for the bite marks my dogs got a hold of the product 
I liked this hand cream I felt the texture/consistency of this product was like a lotion, the consistency wasn't as thick as a cream but it was still moisturizing and sank into my skin fast and didn't leave my hands greasy or slippery. I think this cream would be perfect for a handbag because it sinks in so fast because when your out and about and busy you don't want greasy hands.

Lush Golden handshake

Golden handshake is a hot hand mask I haven't really had much experience with hand masks so I don't have anything to compare this mask with. I did follow the instructions to heating up the product but I did have to help it along by putting it in the microwave for a minute or so, after putting it in the micro the product went thick and custard like the instructions did say to rest your hands in the product but I did end up playing with it squishing it between my hands for about 20-30 minutes. The product does smell nice it smells fresh and my hands did feel super moisturized after taking off the product, also the product has some gold glitter which some of the glitter does transfer to your hands when you wash the product off but it is easily washed off if you would prefer your hands glitter free.

Butter London Horse power

I have reviewed this product on my blog and I will leave the link of that review under this review, I had only used the product for 2-3 weeks in that review and I think for this kind of product you don't really know what you feel about a product until you have used all of it. I did like this product I haven't had a brake in my nails since I have started using it but I have been using cuticle oils and other products in conjunction with this product so I am not sure if my nails not breaking is solely down to this product. Midway though using this product I started using it as a base coat and it worked just fine the product didn't go thick when it neared the end of its life like some other products I have tried in the past.

                      Thanks for reading
                           Kylie xxx

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