Thursday 31 December 2015

Things to look forward to in 2016 and a thank you

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read my blog posts this year I appreciate it so much I know I have been getting readers from everywhere the US, Russia, Ireland, Germany, Canada, Poland, France, Australia, India and the UK thank you everyone of you I want to thank each and everyone of you personally, I do this because I love nail polish and nail products and I want to share with you if they are worth buying or not. Hopefully 2016 will be an amazing year just like 2015 was I am hopefully going to be posting more on my blog and on instagram which I also have been shocked by how much people are following me I have over 1000 followers on instagram which is crazy. I am thinking of maybe posting 4 times a week on my blog, I am thinking of dedicating days mani Mondays which means I would post my previous weeks manicures, treatment Tuesdays or throwback Tuesdays, I would review or talk about the treatment I am using and how I feel about it or review a polish that has been out for a while, thrifty Thursday would be about the nail bargain I have found that week ( you all know I love a bargain) and fresh Fridays/ Friday favorites which would be about the newest products out or the newest things I have bought, or what product/polish I was loving that week just because I can't always buy the newest products. They are just a few ideas I have been having if you have any suggestions please leave your comments down below. I have recently been let go from my job and I have my wedding to plan so you might not get the newest of products but I will try my best to review what I can get my hands on. Like I said please leave your suggestions let me know what you think I should do for my blog and thank you so much for reading my posts in 2015 please keep reading in 2016.

                                Thanks for reading

                                    Kylie xxx

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