Friday 18 March 2016

Fresh Friday Orly Colorblast Sunshine

Sunshine is a bright daffodil yellow with a bright pink shimmer, this polish has a thin formula that applies very sheer it takes 4 coats for opacity and I still felt like I could see my nail line on some of my nails. In the bottle it looks like the polish has matte micro green flecks but they don't show on the nail at all but what I do like is that the pink shimmer does show on the nail. This polish is a pain to work with but I don't have anything like this in my collection and the finished product if you can get it fully opaque does look nice. Unfortunately the pink shimmer doesn't show on the picture but trust me you will see it in real life, the shimmer in the polish makes it a pain to remove you will have glitter all over your fingers.

                                 Thanks for reading
                                          Kylie xxx

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