Thursday 31 March 2016

Thrifty Thursday Essence Sunny London

Sunny London from essence is white with a few drops of grey I would call it a light dove grey it is a beautiful colour. This polish has a good consistency its not to thick or thin, the polish itself applied as smooth as butter and the coverage surprised me because usually some lighter colours of polish apply streaky but with this polish you could get away with just one coat but I applied two coats just to see if it would deepen up the colour and it did slightly. This polish does dry matte which I quite liked but its just personal preference it you add a glossy top coat or not. I really love this polish I don't know why there is just something about it it looks sophisticated it applies nicely and its super inexpensive I am definitely going to be buying a backup of this polish because I really like it and it will look great in any season.

                                     Thanks for reading
                                         Kylie xxx

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