Sunday 31 May 2015

What's happening in June?

Everyday in June I am going to be posting a review. I tried to choose many different brands and I have tried to pick mostly summer colours but I have thrown some dark colours in there just to spice things up, so check the blog everyday in June 6pm UK time and 10am PDT.

                Thanks for reading

                       Kylie xxx

Friday 29 May 2015

May Favourites

I am probably not going to post a monthly favourites every month but I thought I would share with you a few favourites I have had this month

Essie – Naughty nautical
Essie's naughty nautical is a dark mint green with silver sparkles running through the polish. This is a lovely summer colour I don't know why but I love this colour there is just something about it. The formula is slightly thin for this polish but its not streaky when it goes on which is a plus side and it only needs two coats.

Wild about beauty – Isla
I know grey isn't a spring/summer colour but I love wearing grey polish, I think it looks so smart and goes with anything. This is a true slate grey the consistency of the formula is good not to thick or thin,and only needs two coats. The only downside I have with this polish is that it smells a little on the strong side, but the smell goes away once you have painted it your nails, the smell doesn't linger on your nails which is ok.

Barry M gelly -Sky blue
This is a true sky baby blue such a lovely colour for the summer. The formula is slightly thin and this polish does paint streaky on the first coat, but don't worry the second coat turns out better and its quite good at self levelling itself. I am not the biggest fan of the brush for this polish its quite thin but it wasn't to hard to work with. Its a lovely colour and it's supper glossy.

Color club – Diggin the dancing queen
If you had read my color club review you will already know I love this colour. It is a bright lilac pink it is just so pretty on the nails. The formula isn't to bad its thin and streaky on the first coat but like sky blue the second coat turns out better. I only needed two coats when I painted my nails with this colour but it depends how you paint your nails you might need three. I just love this colour I know I have said it with all these colours and that's why they are all in my favourites.

Like I said before I don't think I will do a favourites every month but I will try my best.

                  Thanks for reading

                       Kylie xxx 

Monday 25 May 2015

My nail polish storage

Stand that holds about 30 polishes 
Stand that holds about 50 polishes 
How do you store your polish ? In a drawer, bag, box. I store mine in acrylic display stands, I feel like it makes it easier to see my polish . I have two different stands one holds 30 polishes and the second holds 50.I used to store my polishes in a box then I moved into my own house and had more room to store my polishes, I'm obsessed with storage so I wondered how I could display my polishes and came across these stands on Amazon, so I bought one stand to see what it was like, that one stand turned into eight stands. I just think they look smart and professional, how many times have you went to look through your polishes, and not even looked at half of them because you couldn't be bothered to take them all out of the drawer or box you had them in, I had done that plenty of times. The stands hold most brands of polish, but I have found Nicole by opi wont fit in the stands which is a small downside. I just wanted to share with you how I store my polishes and if your looking for a nice way to display your polishes check out these links and or you can check out there website


50 Polish stand
30 Polish stand
                  Thanks for reading

                          Kylie xxx

Friday 22 May 2015

My favourite neutrals

Today I am starting a new series, every week or two I am going to upload a post about my favourite in a certain colour family and today is of course is going to be neutrals . I am not the biggest fan of neutrals but I do wear them occasionally and when I fancy wearing a neutral polish I gravitate towards these five.

Nails inc – Lowndes square
Lowndes square is a dusky purple with grey undertones. This polish has to be in my top ten favourite polishes ever. The polish is lovely its non streaky easy to paint, the formula itself not to thick or thin its so creamy and colour is just perfect. I love this polish so much I have a backup just in case, its a perfect neutral for any season.

China glaze – Something sweet
Something sweet is a lovely baby pink, the formula isn't the best for this polish, its slightly on the thicker side and it does go on streaky, you will need 3-4 coats with this polish which is a downside but its a nice colour.

Nails inc – Basil Street

Basil street is a caramel fudge colour with a very slight peach undertone. The formula is a bit on the thinner side but its not runny, its not streaky and only takes two coats to look perfect. I used to be addicted to this colour I wore it to death, it is always a perfect colour to go back to when I don't know what to wear and is a nice neutral for any occasion.

Avon – Perfectly flesh

Perfectly fresh is a dusky pink nude. The formula for this polish is on the thinner side but easy to work with. I am in love with the brush on this polish because it is thicker than most brushes which makes it easier to paint the polish. This polish takes about 2-3 coats to look perfect.

Nails inc – Sloane mews
Sloan mews is a difficult to describe it is a sheer pink with a iridescence, it is so pretty, it is a colour that makes it tips of your nails whiter. It has a slight shimmer running through it but its not in your face. The formula was very thick I think it might be down to the fact I have had it for year but it wasn't streaky and was easy to paint despite the thickness.

These are just some of the colours I love like I said this is the start of a favourite colours series so I hope you enjoy reading .

                 Thanks for reading
                         Kylie xxx 

Monday 18 May 2015

Color club- Poptastic neon pastel review

Most nail polish collections you see there might be just a few colours in that collection you like, then there is that rare occasion when you fall in love with all the colours in a collection and this is that rare occasion. The collection I am talking about is the Color club poptastic neon pastel collection ,consisting of seven different neon pastels . The colours in the collection I own are diggin the dancing queen, discos not dead and till the record stops but after buying just three colours in the collection I will defiantly be purchasing the rest of the collection. The consistency of the three polishes are pretty much the same for all the three polishes, the formula of the polishes was quite thin and the first coat of polish was awful and streaky, but just take your time painting on your coats, when painting the second coat make it a thicker coat than the first these polishes even out nicely, the polishes take 2-3 coats to look non streaky. The colours in the collection are perfect for summer and if your not to sure about bright nail colours this collection is a perfect way to ease yourself in to bright colours because of the creaminess of the neon colours hence the name neon pastels.

Till the record stops
Till the record stops 
Till the record stops is a mint ice cream, apple green colour. I am in love with this green it is so wearable, a perfect colour for this time of year it would be a lovely toe nail colour.

Diggin the dancing queen
Diggin the dancing queen
Out of the three colours I have purchased this colour is my favourite it is a lovely lilac pink colour. If you are a natural nail colour wearer and wanted to dip your toe into the colour pool I would pick this polish to start with. I think this polish would be a lovely bridal colour.

Disco's not dead

Disco's not dead
Out of all the colours this one has to be the hardest to describe. This polish is a creamy yellow with beige undertones, which sounds not very nice but it is truly a lovely colour. Why I say beige is because its not a lemon yellow which would scare some people off it is a more neutral yellow.

All in all I am in love with this collection yes the formula isn't the greatest it is thin and the first coat is streaky, but work with it for the colour because its worth it, and the lasting power of the polish is good, I am definitely going to get the rest of the collection.

If you live in the UK you can purchase color club from here

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If you live in the US you can purchase color club from

                 Thanks for reading
                          Kylie xxx

Friday 15 May 2015

My top summer nail colours

The colour of polish I wear on my nails changes throughout the year, in winter I wear black,grey and navy and in the summer I like to wear brighter coloured polishes, these are the five polish colours I gravitate towards in the summer.


A selection of pink polishes 
Yes pink is a all year round nail colour for some people but for me I don't wear it that much except the summer time. A perfect pastel creamy pink is a perfect colour for a wedding, and if your scared of some of the brighter colours try a raspberry pink.

A selection of orange polishes 
Don't be scared of colour on the nails, yes orange sounds scary but maybe try with a creamier orange that's not so neon.

A selection of green polishes 
Again don't be scared of colour you don't have to go full on with a Grinch green polish, there is some amazing mint pastel green polishes out there.

A selection of purple polishes 
Purple might me another popular colour that a lot of people wear in the summer, to be honest with you I wear it all year round.


A selection of blue polishes 
Blue sounds a very 80's colour but don't worry I thought that at first but now blue polish is one of my favorite colours to wear.


Don't be scared of colour nail polish is temporary, if you are not sure about it remove it , so have fun with some colour this summer.

                    Thanks for reading
                           Kylie xxx

Monday 11 May 2015

Handy gurugn hand cream from lush

Handy gurugn is a hand cream from lush. This is a butter like hand cream made with Shea,peanut,cashew and almond butter, it also has evening primrose oil and chamomile blue oil which calms the skin and is also a good antiseptic.
This winter I had extremely dry hands, they resembled a snake they were dry,flaky and verging on painful, the skin on my hands were never dry before, I rarely used hand cream. When my skin started to become dry I did start to use hand creams, I had hand cream in my hand bag, at the sink and beside my computer but they weren't working, my hands were still dry I even used a super moisturizing mask on my hands at night and it didn't do the job. A few weeks ago I walked into lush and asked if they had a super moisturizing hand cream, I had tried a lot of creams by this point so I wasn't expecting much, the lady recommended the handy gurugn hand cream so I purchased it.
The cream itself smells so nice I cant pin point what it exactly smells like but to me it smells like the smell you smell when you walk into a lush shop. It is a thick cream but not super thick, the cream itself isn't extremely oily it sinks in nicely, you need the smallest amount and because of how moisturizing it is I don't need to apply it as often as other hand creams. This cream does come in a tub which I'm not the biggest fan of , but it is slightly thicker than most hand creams so it would be harder to squeeze out of a tube, and the product is so good it could come in any kind of packaging and I would still use it. I'm not sure if this will be a good cream to use in the summer because of how rich it is but maybe putting a thick layer on at night is all you will need in the summer time. I am so glad I found this product, it has helped my dry sore hands out immensely, if you have extremely dry hands and feel like you have tried everything pop in to your local lush store or check the lush site online you seriously wont regret buying it. I am so glad I found this hand cream.

If you want to check out this product you can find more information about it here

                   Thanks for reading
                          Kylie xxx

Friday 8 May 2015

My four nail must haves

If your not sure what products you need to help your nails grow and look good I am going to talk about four of my nail must haves.

  1. A nail file
  2. A nail file is a simple yet a obvious product but you can get many types of nail file, the emery board ,glass,crystal and metal, they all file down your nails but they are all slightly different. I use and personally prefer a glass nail file, I used to use a metal file and always wondered why my nails kept breaking and peeling, then I got a glass nail file. My nails didn't change over night my nails still break now and again but I have had no peeling since I changed to a glass file. Choosing a file is personal preference yes a glass or crystal file may cost that bit extra but for me I have had my glass file for years you just have to look after it and make sure it doesn't break.

  1. A four way buffer

    If you have ridged nails this item might help it is simply a block with four different sides one side is a emery board/nail file to shape your nails which I personally never use but its personal preference. The second side is usually to smooth your nails, it helps reduce them ridges in your nails. If you over use this side it could have the opposite affect on your nails and could make them worse so if you are using a four way buffer just use it once a week. The third side usually is a buffing side this side just buffs and smooths your nail, this side just works along side, side two to reduce your ridges. The fourth and final side is the polish side and it makes your nails look like they have a top coat on them, obviously the shine wont last days but I know this side you can use when you want, just for them days when you want your nails to look nice but don't want to faff about with nail polish. Obviously not all four way buffers are going to be the same this is just a general just of what the ones I own are like, plus a little fact the rubbing motion the buffer makes will help promote nail growth.

    1. Cuticle oil/ cream

      Cuticle oils and creams are good to use after you have used your four way buffer because it puts some moisture back into your nail. Cuticle oils can come in a nail polish like bottle and you can just paint it on and they can come in a tube its just personal preference and depending on the brand you like. Using a oil or cream also makes it easy to push your cuticles back which makes the nail look longer , when pushing your cuticles back it is good to use a hoof stick it just helps with the process, you can easily pick them up for cheep at a pharmacy.

    1. Hand cream
      Its all good your nails looking nice and long but if your hands are looking crusty and dry its not exactly pretty there are many different hand creams out there. Just remember your nails may look nice but remember those hands

                   Thanks for reading

                          Kylie x

Friday 1 May 2015

Confessions of a nail polish addict

I admit it I have an addiction. I have over 300 nail polishes, yes its a bit excessive but I have accumulated them over the years. Growing up I never wore nail polish, I always bit my nails but at the age of ten I started watching QVC and I was obsessed with the models with there pretty nails and the amazing colours of nail polish they had on. My mum made me a promise if I stopped biting my nails she would buy me some nail polish from QVC, I did stop biting my nails and as they say the rest is history. At the beginning of my nail polish love affair I only wore lighter colours, one of my favorite colours which was quite out the lighter colour box for me, and which I wore to death was brook street from nails inc, but the colour that changed the way I wore nail polish was baker street from nails inc. I thought I would never wear a blue nail varnish but seriously baker street is the most perfect blue and now you cant stop me wearing blue, grey and black nail polish,the only nail polish colour im not to keen on is red but I'm still searching for that perfect shade of red that will change my dislike for red nail polish. For me nail polish makes me feel made up and ready to concur the world, and this is why I'm addicted to nail polish

                  Thanks for reading
                          Kylie x
My Collection 
Baker Street 
Brook Street