Thursday 7 January 2016

Thrifty Thursday- Dollish polish Graphite

The nail on the left has the lumpiness
In the bottle the polish looks like a lovely graphite/steel colour, but when I applied this polish it wasn't as lovely as it looked in the bottle. I applied my base coat as normal let it dry and then applied the first coat of this polish as I applied the polish it had lumps in which I thought could be glitters I found out later on they weren't they were just lumps, but as the first coat dried the polish dried looking like I had protruding veins coming out of my nail which I have never had with any polish before. The coverage is good it only needs two coats for the polish to be fully opaque but you can still see the lumps so I applied three coats of polish and I could still see the lumpiness. I looked this polish up and this polish is supposed to be holographic not textured and I didn't feel like this polish was holographic either which is a shame because I love holo. I love dollish polish and I love grey polishes I just think maybe I got a dud bottle which is a shame.
After 3 coats you can still slightly see the lumps

I purchased my polish from the dollish polish etsy page -

                                      Thanks for reading

                                Kylie xxx

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