Tuesday 16 February 2016

Treatment Tuesday – Jessica Phenomen Oil

If you have read previous blog posts you know I am obsessed with cuticle products and this is the cuticle oil I am currently using so I thought I would review it. This is a lovely oil it has a nice texture its slightly thicker than your normal cuticle oils but I sometimes prefer a slightly thicker oil. The oil is slightly greasy but only slightly the oil sinks into your cuticles beautifully, yes it wont sink in immediately but it is a super hydrating oil. The smell is lovey as well it reminds me of almond oil its kind of sweet and nutty but the scent isn't overpowering. This oil is slightly more expensive than most oils but this oil is super hydrating and not overly greasy/oily and you only need the tiniest amount this oil will last you a couple of months.

                               Thanks for reading
                                     Kylie xxx

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