Monday 1 June 2015

Vernis classique by Cherimoya- Space ocean

Space ocean is an amazing teal colour with a silver micro glitter running through the polish. The colour of this polish is breathtaking and I'm not a glitter kind of girl ,this polish does not go on streaky and it only needs two coats .Unfortunately I didn't like the brush, it looked like someone took some scissors to it and chopped at the bottom of the brush, which made it harder to paint. The polish itself took more than two hours to dry, also when I removed the polish it stained my nails slightly, that was with a base coat applied. I am in love with this colour I don't have anything like it in my collection but the formula wasn't that great.

If you would like to purchase this polish you can buy it from here              

                Thanks for reading

                       Kylie xxx

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