Thursday 27 August 2015

Kandy colors - Mayhem & Romance


Mayhem is a pistachio green holographic polish, I have to say this polish isn't my favourite from the collection only because of the colour and that's just my personal preference I do think this colour will be a hit or miss only because I don't think it will suit every skin tone. The consistency for this polish is good it wasn't to thick or thin, I would say depending on how thick a coat you apply you will need 2-3 coats with this polish.


Romance is a platinum grey holographic polish, this polish had really good coverage on the first coat, I thought because the lightness of the colour it would apply patchy but it didn't which is a plus. I did need to apply to two coats of polish because you could see slight nail line on the first coat, the consistency of the polish was good like the majority of the polishes from this collection the polish applied smoothly the polish didn't run of the brush.

                      Thanks for reading

                            Kylie xxx

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